This Fake "Camel Toe" Underwear Is Selling Like Hotcakes (PICS)

"Camel-toe (n): Crotch cleavage, esp. on a woman. The outer lips of female genitalia visible through tight clothing."

That is how the website defines the slang term "camel toe" and it's often the source of embarrassment for many women. However, one Japanese company is going against the grain by manufacturing underwear with a fake enhanced camel-toe to exaggerate the look of one.

The underwear are called "Party Pants" and have apparently been selling well enough that the company keeps making them. They are popular with the transgender demographic, especially men who are transitioning to become a woman. Some women are wearing them too in order to be "more seductive."

The underwear are currently available on Amazon and run between $11.56 - $15.99 per pair.

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Grab a Pair of Assless Denim Shorts, Yours for Only $148 (VIDEO)

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